Our Team Is Your Team
No matter if you are a medical professional, funeral home director, property manager, contractor or other growing business, your callers want to speak with a live-person, never an automated system or voicemail. We take the time to get to know your business in order to better serve your caller and work to become an extension of your business on every call.
Our live answering service operators will handle your inbound calls and answer professionally and efficiently. We have 4 offices to serve your needs: Answer USA Bay Area (Tampa, FL), Answer USA Syracuse (Syracuse, NY), Answer USA Watertown (Watertown, NY) and Answer USA Finger Lakes (Auburn, NY). Contact us now and let our award-winning live answering service and outsource call center help your business.
All Hands On Deck
Available Day & Night
Dedicated Agents
Providing 5-Star Service to Over 1,000 Clients

Our Story
AnswerUSA and its affiliate companies have been providing Professional Answering Service to the Business and Medical Community for over 50 years. We have the technology and personnel to handle large call volumes on a nationwide basis, while maintaining our primary focus on providing service to the local community.
When looking for a professional answering service, AnswerUSA acts as a seamless extension of your business and allows you to conduct business when you are not available. We handle every call in the manner you prescribe to assist your business and enhance your customer service.
Our 24/7 services include: